"The Science of
True Education" was written by Raymond Moore, Paul Damazo, and Paul
Robberson, and was originally printed in the September, 1981 issue of
"ASI News," the official journal of the Adventist-Laymen's
Services and Industries, with head quarters in the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists, Washington, D.C. 20012.
Our church
schools, academies and colleges are a precious treasure, a key to the
survival and advance of our Church. They are labors of the love of God.
To the extent that they abide His instruction, the Church will rapidly
advance, but otherwise Deuteronomy 28 suggests that they rest under a
curse. The problems which they face today of attendance, of morals,
and of serious financial troubles are the fault of no one man,
but of us all. Later we will look at some of these problems, but first
let's re-examine our policies and set out to do what God tells us to do,
lest we not our enemies be guilty of closing our schools.
In August of
1897, Ellen White was trying to give a fledgling church some godly and
businesslike pointers on how it could pre pare for the coming of its
Saviour.(1) She had already warned that conventional education, when
followed by Cod's people, is a crime.(2) She identified the current kind
of education as "one-sided" and called for a more
"practical education."(3) Then, lest her advice be lost in her
readers' preoccupation with contemporary practice, she gave her most
pointed educational counsel ever: "Now, as never before, we need to
understand the true science of education. If we fail to understand this,
we shall never have a place in the kingdom of God."(4)
But what is
this science? And why is it so eternally important? F. C. Gilbert, noted
SDA minister and a Jewish scholar, was sure he knew.(5) Dr. E. A.
Sutherland, beloved dean of SDA educators, also believed that he
dean-emeritus of the Andrews University graduate school recently
expressed sorrow that he found out only late in life how right Mrs.
White really was.
In one of his
many lucid articles, Elder Gilbert answers the question in many a
Christian's mind: How did the Jews ever miss the fulfillment of the
specific Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah? Why did they look
for a splendid king, when the prophets so clearly predicted that He
would come as a homely pauper? Elder Gilbert shows how Israel's older
leaders determined, after their Babylonian captivity, never again to
dilute their God-given truths, yet with the cooperation of later Jewish
scholars, Israel was imperceptibly seduced by Alexander of Macedon and
his Greek professors until the precious Messianic message was so blunted
with the pagan philosophies that its truth was no longer their vital,
peculiar treasure. And the Messiah slipped through their outstretched
arms as an ordinary carpenter's son whose pretenses were worthy only of
the cross.
Dr. Sutherland
showed how the Roman Church particularly the Jesuits bridged the
nearly two millenniums between the Messiah's first advent and our
generation, with a virtually identical blend of pagan tradition and
scriptural heritage, as the Jews learned from the Greeks. There were
occasionally the discerning faithful few Christians who reached out for
the example of the ancient Schools of the Prophets, but they inevitably
were held up to ridicule by the self-styled intellectual elite. Dr.
Sutherland points out that even the Puritans who were driven from their
homes by the educational system of the church were unable to fully
discern the system's error and break from it. Nor has our Church ever
fully made the break God commands.
Long after the
late Emil Leffler was president of Broadview College, and then dean of
Albion College, and still later graduate dean of Andrews University, he
pored with troubled heart over the sacred educational writings, which
we, like the ancient Jews, so often overlook because they are so
obviously "out of date" Wrote Dr. Leffler in a rare admission
by a true member of the educational aristocracy, "Fifty years ago,
I was strongly influenced by the thinking of those who held that Ellen
White's ideas were out dated even then. In those early years, the
blueprint' was at best a nebulous and ill-defined notion to many of us.
How mistaken we were" (8) Dr Leffler went on to plead for a return
to the Divine plan in its fullness.
What is this
plan? What is the science of true education which is so crucial to our
entry to the kingdom of God? Has God in fact given us a blueprint
defined by Webster's Collegiate Dictionary as a "program for
action"? Some vow publicly that He has not, and suggest that what
Ellen White offers in education is scattered and unorganized" So is
gold in its natural habitat Yet, it is there for the ones who know its
value and who will work to mine it Many SDA's and non-SDA's have little
trouble finding it when they really look and work for it.
years ago, University of California, Berkeley, educational sociologist
John Michaelis exclaimed to us his astonishment at the "beautiful
educational design" offered by Ellen White, and forthwith led his
visiting accrediting committee to recommend state recognition for all
units of PUC's graduate program at the highest level the first in
our Church's history at a time when other California state schools
were losing such accreditation And ten years later, Columbia
University's distinguished curriculum scholar, Ruth Stratemeyer, a Roman
Catholic, accorded similar applause to the educational writings of Ellen
White at Potomac University, forerunner of Andrews University.
Remember, we
are identifying a "science," the science of true education, as
a condition of our own sharing the kingdom of God! If we really ponder
this carefully, it will expand our minds In case our minds are a bit
lazy, we might turn over to Hosea 4:6 where he quotes Cod as
saying, My people shall be destroyed for a lack of knowledge.'
He will reject
them, He says, because they have rejected Him. Have we rejected Gods
science?" Have we rejected Him? Lets look at the facts. Science is
a systematic body of fact. which we find from experimenting with general
laws. Is there anything more scientific than the study of Christian
education as presented in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy "the
law of love being the foundation of the government of God ?"
"For the mind and the soul, as well as for the body, it is
God's law that strength is acquired by effort."(I) "It is the
law of the mind that it will narrow or expand to the dimensions
of the things with which it becomes familiar."(II) "It
is an important law of the mind one that should not be overlooked
that when a desired object is so firmly denied as to remove all
hope, the mind will soon cease to long for it and will be occupied with
other pursuits. But as long as there is any hope of gaining the desired
object, an effort will be made to obtain it.'(12)
Such laws point
to the harmonious balance of body, mind and soul and to godliness
our SDA educational philosophy and goals. They add up to the science of
knowing and loving Christ, the science of redemption preparation
"for the higher joy of wider service in the world to
come."(13) Concentration on this science develops very bright minds
in all students.(14) And God gives the specific methods to learn this
science under His blessing in order to avoid many problems and to carry
the message to the world, As we look at a few of these methods, ponder
those you have seen and compare the results.
1, Content. The
classroom focus should be on things of heaven. The liberal arts and
sciences should take second place as vehicles for heaven's goals. And
there should be no room at all for arts, literature, social and physical
sciences or any other studies which are not true, pure, lovely, of good
report, and specifically to Cod's glory.(15) Much as we realize the
importance of other studies, practical skills and studies of agriculture
and health should be first on our curriculum in our studies for heaven,
along with the story of redemption.(16)
2. Quantity. We
are not to try to ram in more content than a child's mind can take
without being "almost wild".(17) Much homework is
counterproductive. We are to emphasize thinking more than rote learning
stressing the whys and hows at least as much as the whats, whereas
and whens. A student cannot keep up with all knowledge, but he can learn
how to select and to think.(18)
3. Balance. One
way to control content is to be sure the student has at least as much
"well-regulated physical labor" as study.
Our repeated
instruction is to equalize work and study and if there is to be more of
one, let it be work. And this operation is true at all levels, even at
the medical school.(19) This will appear impossible to some, but God
promises that He will provide efficiency to make up the difference, and
indeed, those who work half-time are those who are superior in
4. Example. To
insure this balance and the highest level of teaching teaching by
example every teacher should work with his/her students several
hours daily, and in no case is this to be neglected.(21) This teaches
self-control, and therefore self-worth, along with responsibility,
order, industry, initiative, and the equality of man so badly needed
among the races today as it cannot otherwise be taught. There is no
better way of teaching the graces of concern for each other. It even
teaches teachers responsibility. (22)
5. Scheduling.
Early to bed and early to rise should and can be the rule for efficiency
and health. The time before midnight is twice as valuable for rest as
the hours after.(23) And the time before breakfast is several times as
productive for study as the hours after supper. These are among God's
efficient methods, and are an integral part of His program of balance.
6. Grade
Levels. God does not approve of rigid grade levels.(24) Students
are to be given room to grow.
7. Students as
Teachers, Teachers can greatly improve their teaching and save much
energy by using older children to teach the younger and the stronger to
teach the weaker.(25)
8. School
Entrance Age. The child who waits to start school until at least 8 to 10
(some leading Stanford and University of California and University of
Rochester psychologists suggest 12 to 14) will much more likely be the
social, behavioral and academic leader,(26) Researchers have proven that
early entrants more often are prisoners of their peers, and this peer
dependency is a social cancer which wears out society and tires the
9. Sports and
Amusements, God forbids rivalry in which one person eagerly wins at the
certainty of another's Loss.'(28) Sports and amusements do more than
anything else to turn the Holy Spirit away from our youth, but love of
sports will pass if teachers and pastors and parents work with the
students.(29) The loss of the Holy Spirit can also cause the loss of
mental gains, for only the Holy Spirit can quicken the perceptive
faculties,)30) And the Holy Spirit turned away means evangelistic power
lost. We cannot skip the conclusion that we put far too much emphasis
upon play, sports, amusements, etc.(31) God's plan here is a key to
10. Admissions
Policies. We are, to take only the youth into our schools who are
committed to the standards of God who are neither indulged, lawless,
pleasure-seekers, nor morally depraved, but who are worthy of the good
associates that they choose who are disinclined to foolishness, who are
honorable, cooperative, missionary-minded. Most students prefer a school
that stands for something.(32)
Why do we have
serious problems with finances, immorality and indifference to the
heavenly goals of the Church? Why not claim God's promises and follow
His plan all the way, and do it yet in these late days, particularly
when Ellen White says it is cowardice to say that we can't.(33) We are
told that those who wait until it is convenient to make necessary
changes will never obey at all, and will rest under God's curse.(34) But
are our schools expected to be actually like the Schools of the Prophets
where teachers earn their way, working with the students? Yes, more and
more so to the end of time. Mrs. White repeats this at least fifteen or
twenty times throughout her writings.(35) Is later school entry truly
scientific? Yes! And it is one of the fastest developing educational
movements in the United States today a return to the home school
among people of many religions and at all levels of society. Does God
ask us to do things we cannot do? His biddings are His enablings.(36)
But how about the laws school entrance laws, child labor laws,
minimum wage laws, etc.? We are told to do what God says without regard
to human traditions or jurisdiction.(37)
Are God's
solutions too simple for us? Is it unreasonable, whenever possible, to
keep our children with us in the home, shielded from the social
contagion of the schools until their values are established? Is it
unreasonable to expect students to work with out wages if practical work
is the more important part of their education than the academics and if
the work results in the reduction of their educational costs? Many
churches, from Presbyterians to Pentecostals, and even Humanists as well
as SDA's are following these precepts today successfully at all levels
and in all states, and are bringing out better children and sharply
cutting educational costs, If we do this, bringing all involved into the
planning, including students and teachers, God guarantees success.(38)
Some problems.
Why is a minor fraction of our youth in our schools, when all of them
should be there?(39) Why do they question teachers' religious sincerity,
personal interest, friendship, Do school programs provide for this?
Recent observations, including studies reported in the Adventist REVIEW
and by Andrews University scholars, etc. reveal, for example, that
1, SDA academy
youth fall below national high school averages in ability to make sound,
self-directed decisions on moral values. In one major conference, the
SDA students in public high schools were found to have higher moral
standards than those who were in SDA academies, except for one academy
which had a fairly sound work-study program.
2. College
youth entering the SDA theological seminary in September, 1980, were
administered the IPAT 16 PF (Personality Factors) Test by psychologist
Elden Chalmers and averaged slightly above eight on a scale in which one
(1) stood for decisive maleness and ten, indecisive effeminacy. Dr,
Chalmers notes that IPAT prescribes as therapy for such indecision and
lack of maleness, coarse manual labor!
3. Parents see
less distinction between the values of SDA schools and of other
4. SDA
enrollments are declining while other Protestant Evangelical schools
flourish, generally speaking.
5. SDA school
costs soar while many other church schools are holding the line.
6. We are
hesitant to declare our educational principles when faced by the law,
while others (Amish, etc.) hold steady and win recognition for their
7. Disrespect
and rebellion is on the increase at all levels, and at some schools,
vandalism and violence.
8. Many
Adventist homes and their children are unnecessarily being weakened
mentally, socially, physically and spiritually by institutionalizing
little children before they are ready, and those who must find care for
their children are submitting to structured programs which deny the
freedom that God designs for little ones.(41)
9. The question
is seriously raised as to whether or not our admissions standards
examine the character and commitment of our children as carefully as
their academic performance,(42)
10.It is
difficult to find schools at any level in which teachers really take
students with them several hours daily into well-regulated programs of
manual labor.(43)
11.We build
big, knowing that large schools cannot easily follow God's plan, and
expect the Church to cover heavy losses,
How could the
Jews have possibly missed the Messiah? How could we? Could it be that
now is the time to study this matter without feeling bound by present
practice, and to spend more of our time and money in carrying out God's
plan and less on facilities which accommodate the heritage of the Romans
and the Greeks? Wouldnt it be great and businesslike to
experiment with the science of true education? And to enter the Kingdom?
"Now, as
never before, we need to understand the true science of education. If we
fail to understand this, we shall never have a place in the kingdom of
One way to
control content is to be sure the student has at least as much
"well-regulated physical labor" as study. Our repeated
instruction is to equalize work and study and if there is to be more of
one, let it be work.
. . .every
teacher should work with his/her students several hours daily and in no
case is this to be neglected. This teaches self-control, and therefore
self-worth, along with responsibility, order, industry, initiative...
Much as we
realize the importance of other studies, practical skills and studies of
agriculture and health should be first on our curriculum in our studies
for heaven, along with the story of redemption.
Parents see
less distinction between the values of SDA schools and of other
. . .We are to
take only the youth into our schools who are committed to the standards
of God who are neither indulged, lawless, pleasure seekers, nor
morally depraved,...
Wouldnt it
be great and businesslike to experiment with the science of true
education? And to enter the Kingdom?
following are some of the quotations referred to in the above study.
"Our ideas of education take too narrow and too low a range. There
is need of a broader scope, a higher aim. True education means more than
the pursual of a certain course of study. It means more than a
preparation for the life that now is. It has to do with the whole being,
and with the whole period of existence possible to man. It is the
harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual
powers. It prepares the student for the joy of service in this world,
and for the higher joy of wider service in the world to come."
Education, page 13:1.
"Every human being, created in the image of God, is endowed
with a power akin to that of the Creator, individuality, power to
think and to do. The men in whom this power is developed are the men who
bear responsibilities, who are leaders in enterprise, and who influence
character. It is the work of true education to develop this power; to
train the youth to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other men's
thought. Instead of confining their study to that which men have said or
written, let students be directed to the sources of truth, to the vast
fields opened for research in nature and revelation. Let them
contemplate the great facts of duty and destiny, and the mind will
expand and strengthen. Instead of educated weaklings, institutions of
learning may send forth men strong to think and to act, men who are
masters and not slaves of circumstances, men who possess breadth of
mind, clearness of thought, and the courage of their convictions."
Education, pages 17:2-18:0.
students put their whole being into their studies, and concentrate their
mind upon the object of obtaining an education. They work the brain, but
allow the physical powers to remain in active. The brain is overworked,
and the muscles become weak because they are not exercised. When these
students graduate, It is evident that they have obtained their education
at the expense of life. They have studied day and night, year after
year, keeping their minds continually upon the stretch, while they have
failed to sufficiently exercise their muscles. They sacrifice all for a
knowledge of the sciences, and pass to their graves." Fundamentals
of Christian Education, page 34:2.